Working materially with sound as a social and spatial strategy
Workshop 1 11am Thursday 29 August
Workshop 2 11am Friday 30 August
Join Julian Day to explore the sonic potentials of public spaces at the University of Melbourne, inside and out.
Using game-like strategies to ‘sound out’ the built environment, these workshops will encourage reflection on the acoustic properties and social implications of public spaces throughout the Parkville campus – including outdoor areas, public zones inside campus buildings, and acoustically rich spaces like the underground carpark, bicycle hub, stairwells, gridded pavement areas, etc. The artist will introduce participants to different ways of listening along with some simple structures by which social bonds can be generated and maintained through performance.
Workshops are for University of Melbourne students from all faculties. No musical experience is required.
Julian Day is currently based at Columbia University in New York where he is researching how material sound can generate temporary interdependent communities within civic and common spaces. At the University of Melbourne, Day will work across different departments, integrating his research into the legal, sociological, anthropological and architectural implications for sound. This is an opportunity for students from a range of disciplines to adapt and apply their learning while absorbing new approaches to thinking about social and spatial practices.
Workshops will run from 1 – 2 hours and involve group activities and reflections. The sessions will lead towards a new site-responsive commission with the Ian Potter Museum of Art in 2020, which students are encouraged to participate in.
Meeting place on Parkville campus will be forwarded to participants on the week of the workshops.
Register for Thursday workshop here.
Register for Friday workshop here.
Julian Day has created a number of site-specific performance works as Super Critical Mass, including events at Arts Centre Melbourne, Sydney Opera House, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, and Queensland Art Gallery.