The Grimwade Collection Miegunyah Student Project Awards 2023 - Ian Potter Museum of Art

The Grimwade Collection Miegunyah Student Project Awards 2023

Each year, the Museums and Collections Department offers six Awards of $2000 to University of Melbourne students for small research projects. Supported by the Russell and Mab Grimwade ‘Miegunyah’ Fund, the Award requires each student to undertake a project on works of art in the Grimwade Collection, which were bequeathed to the University. This scheme gives students experience in working in an interdisciplinary context with a material and visual culture collection, and the opportunity to think about how to share their research with their student colleagues and public audiences, while gaining professional development experience from department staff.

Our 2023 Awardees include students from Architecture, History, Cultural Geography, Screen and Cultural studies and Islamic Studies, Contemporary Art and Art Curatorship. Their research summaries and other creative outcomes can be viewed below.


Christopher Breach | Master of Architecture, Melbourne School of Design, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning

Review Christopher’s Report

Jacobin Bosman | Graduate Diploma in Arts (Advanced), School of Historical and Philosophical Studies, Faculty of Arts

Review Jacobin’s Report

Madeline Frohlich & Willow Ross | Master of Cultural Geography, School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Faculty of Science

Review Madeline and Willow’s Report

Nasim Patel |Bachelor of Arts (Screen and Cultural studies, Islamic Studies), School of Culture and Communication, Faculty of Arts

Review Nasim’s Report

Watch Nasim’s Performance

Shannon Slee | Master of Contemporary Art, Victorian College of the Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts & Music

Review Shannon’s Report

Shiyun Zheng | Master of Art Curatorship, School of Culture and Communication, Faculty of Arts

Review Shiyun’s Report


You can preview works from 2022 Miegunyah Student Project Awards here.