Animate the Collection 2021 - Ian Potter Museum of Art

Animate the Collection 2021

26 Sep 2022

Animate the Collection: A project by 3rd year (2021) VCA animation students

21 x 10 provides a new platform for the unique perspectives that artists, academics, and the future generation of thinkers have on the world around us. While the Ian Potter Museum of Art undergoes major renovations ahead of its 2023 re-opening, 21 x 10 shifted the University of Melbourne Art Collection beyond the walls of the museum with a physical exhibition throughout the Arts West building. For three days in the Arts West Digital Studios, VCA animation students presented their creative responses to the artworks in 21 x 10. Drawing on a range of animation techniques developed in their third-year coursework (2021), the students created animations that provide new and diverse perspectives on the artworks.

VCA Animation Studio Leader: Kristi Monfris